Plumbing & Piping
At MARINER, we specialize in providing comprehensive plumbing and sanitary solutions for marine vessels and offshore structures. Our experienced team of plumbers and technicians is dedicated to ensuring efficient and reliable plumbing systems and sanitary facilities in marine accommodation areas.
Our Plumbing and Sanitary Services:
We offer professional plumbing system design and installation services tailored to meet the specific requirements of marine accommodation areas. Our team utilizes advanced design techniques and considers factors such as space limitations, water supply sources, wastewater management, and safety regulations to create efficient and reliable plumbing systems.
We design and install freshwater distribution systems that ensure a reliable and adequate supply of clean water to marine accommodation areas. Our expertise includes selecting appropriate piping materials, fittings, and fixtures to optimize water flow, prevent leaks, and provide consistent water pressure.
We provide effective wastewater and sewage management solutions to ensure proper disposal and prevent environmental contamination. Our team designs and installs sanitary drainage systems, including pipes, fittings, and wastewater treatment systems, that comply with applicable regulations and maintain hygiene standards.
We offer professional installation services for a wide range of sanitary fixtures, including toilets, sinks, showers, and urinals. Our team ensures proper placement, secure connections, and optimal functionality of sanitary fixtures, considering the specific needs and space constraints of marine accommodation areas.